I took a couple of weeks off from blogging after my blog series on Arthrogryposis, but it is time to keep going. And I’ll share much more of my (un)limited life in the weeks to come. For now, I’m joining the Five Minute Friday community to offer a few thoughts here and there.

When you look back on a year, you realize how much you have already learned. It doesn’t always feel like it in the middle of the everyday, but the lessons, however big, however small, add up. And this is a summary of a few things I’ve learned (in no particular order). If they don’t quite make sense to you today, don’t worry…I will explain or tell you any stories related to these lessons at a later time.

  1. I am allowed to quit a book, even if it is well-known and popular. I can’t like all books. I quit another one yesterday.
  2. It is okay to let go of unfinished projects, especially when dreams or passions have changed. In fact, I find it freeing because this fine-tunes my focus for what I really love.
  3. Those doctors or appointments I dread are often not as scary or hard as I imagine. (We all seem to have at least one we’d rather postpone over and over…mine is not the dentist, but you’ll have to wait for a future post to find out my answer.)
  4. A cleaner desk is way better for productivity. I have my small piles, but I don’t mind asking someone to help me reach something from a desk cubby or drawer. I’m less stressed with less stuff around me.
  5. Shoe shopping no longer brings me to tears. There are more options these days and this is a gift to people with tricky feet. In a way, I have double the trouble: my feet are super small for an adult and I wear leg braces.

I know I’ve learned a lot more, but that’s all I’ll share today. Some lessons we learn more than once because God definitely knows we need reminders.

What are you currently learning? What has God taught you so far this year?

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