On the Edge of the Future
I didn’t want to listen to the word God spoke to my heart. Future. That word scared me. The future has always carried two scenarios in my mind: 1) the time when my parents are no longer here; 2) the time when my marriage dream comes to fruition. One is full of fear....
door of Hope
Valley of Achor desert of trouble buried in rubble pull me out pull me up away from the wild well watered away from the war well waged away from the wind protected and planted stable and strong no longer lost tossed blown or thrown rooted and ready secure and steady...
Becoming Comfortable in the Uncomfortable
We don’t like to be out of our comfort zone. Disability means I can instantly be out of mine. There is a discomfort around disability. Being uncomfortable is a way of life for me. I can be immune to this fact. In the past year, several friends have said,...