A Poem for Your Soul
under the skyfull of blue,warmth of the sunon my skin.the Lightshines within,always forever.even whendays get shorter,clouds return,hope grows dim,a fire stillburnsdeep,forever within. look up,keep your eyeon the sky.watch, wait forthe birds above,two eagles soarover...
Come Close and See
Am I frail and weak or finite and meek? Come close and see— let us be companions on this journey. In darkness or light, loss or lack, I’ll sit with you, if you’ll stay beside me. Come close and see He is with us, nearby constantly. Can we remember what we are told,...
Why Hospitality and Friendship are Key
“Hospitality involves actively welcoming and befriending the stranger — in this case, a person with disabilities — not as a spectacle, but as someone with inherent value, loved into being by God, created in the image of God, and thus having unique gifts to offer...
How Limits are Part of Humanity
“Like everyone else, people with developmental disabilities have wonderful strengths and gifts that exist alongside their limitations.”[1]Erik Carter Theologian Deborah Creamer tells us, “…limits are an unsurprising aspect of being human. Limits are...