8 Things I Learned While Traveling
Firsts can’t be repeated. I went to a conference for a second time. Apparently I carried high expectations with me. I didn’t know that until the week ended and I felt some unexplained disappointment. What was I expecting? Was I subconsciously comparing...
I’m only your aunt, part two
We met your teacher and saw a bunch of other kids in your classroom. I filled out the paperwork. You were done. You wanted to go. We ran by your house to pick up a couple of items. I had the spontaneous idea for the three of us to go out to lunch before heading back...
Turning Points: The Way to Hope + Dream, part two
Last month, I gave an early morning chapel talk to a group of middle and high school students. I shared part of my story and walked them through the idea that hope gets attached to our dreams. And those dreams are often connected to the turning points in life. In the...
Turning Points: The Way to Hope + Dream, part one
What is the proper way to hope? How do we carry our dreams and keep the right kind of hope alive? I have times where I put my hope in the wrong place. My unfulfilled dreams become heavy and my heart quickly grows discontent. I am no longer loving my right now. I am...