I grew up knowing these 2 random facts: my mom didn’t like purple and my grandmother didn’t like purple. They were both very against the color. So that meant nothing in their wardrobe related to purple. And we just knew not to consider anything purple as a birthday or Christmas gift.

This fact also meant I was probably never dressed in purple as a young child. That was not their top choice for me.

But their dislike goes beyond purple just being another color in the rainbow. My grandmother saw her mom wear a lot of purple. A lot. And black. These were the colors of mourning and it sounded like my grandmother witnessed many of those days in her childhood.

She passed the “No Purple” guideline down to my mom. It was not a formal teaching or rule or anything like that.

I could choose to follow this family pattern as the next generation, but I eventually decided I like purple. I had a purple book bag for years. A cousin gave it to me and I loved it.

I don’t remember seeing many purple options in the clothing stores when I was younger.

Now I’m drawn to it. I feel free to wear something purple.

You might remember the little girl who wanted me to coordinate my Sunday morning clothing with her? That was my purple dress and I have to say it’s one of my favorites.

My mom and grandmother were never opposed to me or others wearing purple. It just wasn’t for them, but I will add my mom branched out not too long ago…she has a blouse with purple flowers mixed with other colors and it looks good.


Side note: the prompt for the day was “purple” and I didn’t know what to write. So we talked about it at the dinner table tonight and this is what we came up with. Check out the other #write31days posts.

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