One Word, One Theme for 2018
Before the new year arrived, I started pondering, “what should my new word be: Fullness…Trust…Faith…Impossible?” All these words felt important to me, things I pray, themes I hope to see in my life. One day last month, it finally became...
How 2017 was the Year Full of Impossible Things
As I mentioned last week, 2017 was full of impossible things. Here are 10 examples + links to accompanying photos or blog posts: I spent a whole day at Panera. Twice actually. Two friends made this happen. I wrote about love. Not just one week, but four. I shared my...
Revisiting 2017: the Top Seven Posts
I’ve been thinking about all the things that happened in 2017. My one word was fill. As we begin a new year, I can definitely say that 2017 was a year… Filled with lots of moments. Full of impossible things. And the prayer I invited you to pray with me was...
Exploring Italy From a Wheelchair User’s Perspective
Today we welcome Jasmine from The Globe on Wheels to the traveling conversation! My love of ancient cultures and civilizations began when I took a Greek and Roman mythology course as an elective for one of the programs I was studying at the time. As soon as I finished...