Living with a disability my whole life means I’ve had plenty of time to know what I can do, what help I need, and what works for me. Yet a few months ago I wondered if there was something new I could do. Out of curiosity, determination, and somewhat necessity, I found a way to do a task on my own!
Doing a daily task independently for the first time felt so empowering. The simple act has become a gift of freedom, flexibility, and pure celebration. It’s never too late to learn a new skill or find a path to more independence.
So what did I learn to do?
The answer is… get in my wheelchair on my own! Watch the video below to see how.
While you’ll see my mom help super briefly with a tiny aspect of the process, up to this point someone had always lifted me into my chair. Perhaps decades of doing the process one way creates a deeper sense of independence.
Part of my determination behind finding a new way is the reality that my parents are getting older. They can still do plenty of things for and with me. I’m so grateful we’re such a great team. At the same time, I care about them and their wellbeing. So I’ll keep looking after them while I navigate my needs and figure out what I can do.
Here’s to more independence in the small, simple, everyday kinds of ways. Or maybe some bigger ones eventually. Driving anyone? 😉
Comment with the answer to this question — What’s a task you learned to do that felt empowering or thrilling the first time you did it on your own? Feel free to share any tips or tricks you’ve learned along the way too!