She smiled at me and I couldn’t resist wanting to hold her. There is something special when they are still small. I can find a way to easily hold a baby, before they are too wiggly and before they are too big. But even then, I have thought through my options and found ways to embrace these kids I love.

I spent the day with my niece and nephew this week. And I had lots of time to hold and hug. It didn’t matter that I needed to lay on the couch. My mom helped me there and then I could hold my little niece, bouncing her and watching her smile. I didn’t care that she drooled all over me either. That’s normal and I just love the chance to hold her close for now. My nephew is a little older and he gives giant hugs. He also knows how to climb up on the couch beside me or sit on my bed so we can have that bonding time.

There have been days when my nephew or another child I know looks at me and says, “Up” with the sweet unspoken question meaning, “Will you pick me up and hold me?” I wish I could reach down and answer with an excited “Yes.” Sometimes I call for someone else to help or I tell them, “I’m sorry I can’t, but I can give you a hug.

I have a few favorite moments that really stand out. These were the days I found a way around my physical limits and said yes to the child in front of me…

  • When my nephew wanted to ride on my lap as we took a walk, I found a way to hold him securely and still drive my wheelchair.
  • When a girl from my Sunday school class wanted me to actively play with her, she came up with the idea to climb on the side of my wheelchair. I “carried” her around the room and we both had lots of fun.
  • When other kids needed help, I gladly jumped in and held their papers, toys, etc. I could do that. And I could be the one to walk them to the water fountain.

I may not be able to do everything I’d like for my nephew, niece, and other kids, but I can always find a way to show my love.

The same is true for family and friends. My body is physically limited, but I can find plenty of ways to show my care. I can love by being there, however that looks on a given day. And showing love to each other is something we all want.

This post was written as a part of the Five Minute Friday community, but inspired by my niece, nephew, and all the other kids I love. They teach me much and grow my heart even more.

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