A song is a powerful creation of words and music. But it goes beyond simply being a product of creation. Any one song can transport me back in time to a specific place filled with certain people I love to remember. When I listen to a song, especially one attached to a memory deeply implanted in my mind, I am instantly in that moment and emotions are stirred within me.

As soon as I hear “O love that will not let me go”, I am in college again, surrounded by those friends and the community I made my own for 4 years. I learned this song as a part of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and I remember the joys of fellowshipping with my new friends for the first time as a college student.

“I just wanna fly” by Sugar Ray takes me all the way back to 8th grade. I spent a whole afternoon listening to the radio and waiting for the DJ to dedicate the song to “Laura”. And he finally did. Later in the school year, I danced my way through the entire song as my classmates and the boy who was my date cheered me on. Yep, that was the excitement of an eighth grader.

It’s funny how songs become attached to memories. The favorite songs of family and friends also make us think of them. And we are left smiling.

What songs leave you smiling with a memory?


I thought I would reminisce about other songs and other memories, but 5 minutes is a short amount of time. These are the thoughts that came out as I typed a Five Minute Friday post. You can also follow #FiveMinuteFriday on Twitter.

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