I don’t remember the last time I wrote every day for a whole week. I think it was a couple of months ago, but it’s hard to say.

I don’t remember the last time I went a day without sitting with writing thoughts and letting them stir in my mind. I love words and I am a writer.

Sometimes I may not put words on paper, but that doesn’t mean I’m not pondering and planning. I have to allow ideas to grow. I am not always in a place where I’m ready to process and share a story. It can be good to wait, to gain wisdom from an experience before typing up a blog post or book chapter. In these moments, I can write other stories, the ones I do understand and the ones I am brave enough to offer.

I admit some days I don’t write because it is hard. I may not know where to begin or I am hesitant to say whatever is on my heart. But that is exactly when I need to write and probably the words someone needs to hear.

I continue to learn the balance involved with writing. There is the time to share immediately; there is the time to let the moment linger.

Recently I’ve been in the phase of writing less and allowing my perspective to grow. Both are good and necessary. Who knows how long this will last.

The rhythm of daily writing will return.


This was a part of Five Minute Friday. Check out my other posts, too!

*Photo credit: quacktaculous via Flickr (Creative Commons)

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