The word for this week’s Five Minute Friday post is Reach.

I reach for a book, or ask my mom to bring me book so-and-so off of shelf #1. Those are the books I’m not sure I will keep, but I want to look through them and give them a try. Some were my grandmother’s and others looked or sounded interesting when I saw them at the local book sale.

I’ve started a few recently and realized I don’t want to read them. It’s not what I imagined given the title or cover or maybe I’m no longer interested. But I still want a book to jump into, a story to carry with me until I reach the last page.

There is still a little pile of books I’m working on — and I’m learning I need to slow down on the number of books I read at one time. Maybe if I focus on fewer I’ll actually make my way through more books in a year. And that reminds me of my “One Word” again. Focus…

Focus on the one task before starting another.

Focus on a little part of the bigger project to not get overwhelmed.

Focus on the moment called today instead of worrying about the future.


And once my stack of books is even smaller, I hope to focus on just a couple at a time. The problem lately is every time we reach for a new one it is nonfiction and I’m in need of something fiction. The sorting and searching continues until I reach the point of needing to go to the library. And that field trip just may happen this week.


What are you currently reading? Do you have any recommendations?

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