Last week Jeff Goins wrote this post and challenged his readers to ponder why we write. Today I’m joining Jeff Goins, Bryan Hutchinson, and other friends as we offer our answers.


Every so often I need to pause and remember why I write. I have to remember the reasons I started this journey to find the motivation to continue.

Why do I write when some days all I do is fight with words?

Why can’t I stop writing, even if only a few words spill out at a time?

Why do I consistently grab a favorite journal and pick up a colorful pen?


If you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up as a child, I would have said a horse trainer…a teacher…or other ideas…but I never said a writer. I couldn’t imagine sitting down long enough to create a story or sharing my life in word form.

Because I forgot. I forgot how much fun I had telling myself stories in preschool. Or how my love of words would get me in trouble for talking too much. Or how I became a writer when I was only eight. How could I forget these important details?

Slowly I remembered. And in the past couple of years, I have reclaimed that piece of my identity. I have discovered a deep desire that will not leave and a passion to tell my story.

The story that speaks of God’s faithfulness over the years. The story that reveals His goodness in my life full of limitations from a broken body. The story that sees the pockets of joy and finds strength on even the hardest of days.

I write to tell you this story as I tell it to myself.
I write to embrace who God created me to be.
I write to understand the journey I’m on.
I write to hold onto hope for tomorrow.

I write because I can’t stop chasing a dream.
I write because I’m tired of letting fear win.
I write because I want to live boldly & bravely.
I write because I feel more alive when I do.

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