Ten years ago I moved. From one small town to another. From a place I called home for 4 years to the place that is my home once again. Ten years ago I woke up in a dorm. It was my favorite one on campus and the building is no more. They knocked it down a year or so...
Last week we started this series by asking and answering the question: “What is normal?” My normal is this — I am limited. And I need help. All the time. The list is rather long if I were to name everything, but here is a sampling of tasks I...
I started to define normal for you the other day. But I didn’t mention that our normals can change. A lot. Just think about life. Normal changes with every single life stage…from childhood to adulthood. And how we define normal can continue to evolve....
Easy isn’t really a part of the definition when you’re thinking about limits. Or looking at limitations that might affect the way you live. But I’ve come to see there is an easier side to limitations. I’ve at least grown used to my own limits...
It was time to pull out the boots. The forecast said the temps would be in the upper 30s by mid-day and they mentioned a chance for snow showers. I guess I should get dressed like it’s winter, I tell myself. Because we are in the middle of January. But just...