Dear readers, You might be wondering what happened last Sunday with the girl and my purple dress. Well, I wore my purple dress and I hoped she would be at church again. But that week she wasn’t there. I kept looking for her, wondering if she’d be a little...
The word for the latest Five Minute Friday posts is “gift”. Here is my story. She wanted to know why I wasn’t wearing purple. I didn’t think she would pay attention to those details. I had worn a purple dress the Sunday before and now I...
If you missed the beginning of this story, read part one here. I can’t tell you everything that happened on the day of the short walk. I’ve lost many of the details, but I remember enough. I remember the way I felt…the excitement of taking my walker...
It was supposed to be a short walk. I wanted to go down the street to the neighbor’s and come right back home. I thought it looked easy and I had been walking for a few years by now. I told my mom I could do it. I would do it. Because there’s no stopping me once I’ve...
I could tell he was having a lot of fun. His little feet ran around, chasing the water squirting up from the ground. I watched from the side under the shade of the tree. My little nephew pulled my mom by the hand to the next mini fountain at the park earlier today. I...