This is how I…dance! Because a physical disability doesn’t keep me from dancing the night away. I bring my walker along and then I’m free to move all around the dance floor. That’s me in the...
This is how I…am mobile. Some may think I’m wheelchair-bound, but I’m not. I can walk short distances in my mobility walker or with the help of a hand. All other times, I use a power wheelchair to go places outside of my house. Watch the video to see...
What is the proper way to hope? How do we carry our dreams and keep the right kind of hope alive? I have times where I put my hope in the wrong place. My unfulfilled dreams become heavy and my heart quickly grows discontent. I am no longer loving my right now. I am...
It wouldn’t be possible for me to say, “This is how I…run!” without the presence of an extra someone. My friend and I have already finished several short races and a half marathon. I run because we run together. See how in the...
This is how I…TYPE. Before I can use my computer, I need my work station set up a certain way. The desk featured in this video was custom-built according to my own sketch and specifications. One year I gave the info to a local woodworker and he ran with the...