Behind the Scenes: Arthrogryposis Awareness Day
June 30 was Arthrogryposis Awareness Day. I celebrated by making a video to honor a person who helps me to thrive in the day-to-day. Watch the video as I interview Rachel about what she thought in the beginning versus what she has...
To the Friends that Embrace
Dear friends, I became friends with most of you in the past few years. We met at church. From the beginning, you were different. You stood out to me. At the time, I was in a rough season. I didn’t have to question what you thought or if my disability was an...
To the Parents that Empower
Dear mom and dad, You didn’t just raise me as your daughter with a disability. You saw much more from the beginning. I was your fourth child. In your eyes, I have always been “normal.” You were the first to teach me determination. Giving up was not...