Last week we started this series by asking and answering the question: “What is normal?” My normal is this — I am limited. And I need help. All the time. The list is rather long if I were to name everything, but here is a sampling of tasks I...
Normal. How do you even begin to define “normal”? Culture teaches us what normal can mean, what normal should look like, and how to respond to what isn’t considered normal. What is normal, really? This is a question I wrestle with, something I...
Easy isn’t really a part of the definition when you’re thinking about limits. Or looking at limitations that might affect the way you live. But I’ve come to see there is an easier side to limitations. I’ve at least grown used to my own limits...
I have to admit I’ve been missing the daily blogging. I grew used to the habit last month as I finally did the Write 31 Days challenge. I did it. I finished. I learned a few things along the way and I’ll have to share them soon. Tonight I’m too tired...
It definitely wasn’t the first time, but it still made me mad. Maybe mad is too strong of a word, but I was frustrated and there was a hint of anger under the frustration. My morning started extra early as I was running in a short race with a friend. She was...
Well, I started this blogging challenge more than three weeks ago. I had hoped to write some posts ahead and give myself the freedom to not be stressed over meeting a daily deadline. It turns out the daily practice of writing something and immediately sharing it is so...