Bringing New into Now
Recently a friend and I talked and thought about the past year. We saw a common theme in our lives. We had watched God work through unexpected storms. There are times I call the storms “mountains” because it can feel impossible to climb the obstacle in...
Returning Home in a Fog
After my week in Raleigh, I came home and immediately started thinking about next year’s conference. Would I be able to go again? Could I wait that long to see these new friends again? I had met people from all over the country and world…England, France,...
Stretching Limits to the Sky
Sunday night I went to a fun event at church with my friend Leah. She asked me that morning if I wanted to go. “Yes! Do you want to go early for the helicopter ride?” Leah hesitated, “I will IF you go with me.” We had a general plan, but I...
I’m only your aunt, part two
We met your teacher and saw a bunch of other kids in your classroom. I filled out the paperwork. You were done. You wanted to go. We ran by your house to pick up a couple of items. I had the spontaneous idea for the three of us to go out to lunch before heading back...