Finding Accessible Paths in New Areas

Finding Accessible Paths in New Areas

When traveling, it is fun to explore the area. I like to be outside and sometimes I find walking paths that are wheelchair-friendly. Recently I found a trail at the Outer Banks that turned out to be quite accessible. Watch the video to hear more about my unexpected...
This is how I…am mobile

This is how I…am mobile

This is how I…am mobile. Some may think I’m wheelchair-bound, but I’m not. I can walk short distances in my mobility walker or with the help of a hand. All other times, I use a power wheelchair to go places outside of my house. Watch the video to see...
stifling the true self

stifling the true self

the world around me stares not quite knowing what to say young ones and old, all have spoken strange words, words of unawares words that speak deeply to me revealing the heart of their soul. such moments i do recall from my earlier years stifling the true self, but i...

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