Living with a disability my whole life means I’ve had plenty of time to know what I can do, what help I need, and what works for me. Yet a few months ago I wondered if there was something new I could do. Out of curiosity, determination, and somewhat necessity, I found...
The next morning you suddenly said to a circle of people at church, “Hey guys, this is my friend, Laura. She has a disability, in case you didn’t know it and you can ask her any questions. She is happy to answer them and likes being the spokesperson for...
A group of people can come into your life and change it. This post is for those people. You are dear to me. You’re an answer to a prayer I prayed two years before we met: “Deepen the right friendships, Lord. Lead me to the people who are or will be part of...
A trip can leave a lasting impression on you. Back in June, I had one of those trips. I attended the Summer Institute on Theology and Disability for the first time. I knew: I would lead a workshop on Wednesday afternoon. The list of speakers and topics intrigued me. I...
Friends have asked, how do you text? Do you need help replying to that message? Do you use Siri? People don’t always see me in action, but texting is another task I can do on my own. And I don’t choose to use speech recognition software like Siri. Watch...