Today we will keep exploring Arthrogryposis and what my life looks like / doesn’t look like in the day-to-day. Your questions covered a lot and this is Part Two of the series. (If you missed part one, you can read it here.) I’ll also be sharing a Part...
First, happy Arthrogryposis Awareness Day! When I asked for your questions last week, I had no idea what you might send in, but I was excited to find out. This was a blog experiment I was willing to try. And I wanted to give you guys the space to share any thoughts....
“Do not be afraid.” “Be strong and courageous.” “…For the Lord your God is with you.” I read these phrases during my quiet time more than once this week. God reminds his people not to fear all the time. We see it on pages in...
The word for the latest Five Minute Friday posts is “gift”. Here is my story. She wanted to know why I wasn’t wearing purple. I didn’t think she would pay attention to those details. I had worn a purple dress the Sunday before and now I...
This not writing was not helping. I had to think of a new strategy. And I knew this would work. I pulled out a stack of notebook paper. (Well, I called my mom to my room and asked for a little help with finding and reaching the paper.) With this new and empty space in...