I’ve been thinking about all the things that happened in 2017. My one word was fill. As we begin a new year, I can definitely say that 2017 was a year… Filled with lots of moments. Full of impossible things. And the prayer I invited you to pray with me was...
Last month, I gave an early morning chapel talk to a group of middle and high school students. I shared part of my story and walked them through the idea that hope gets attached to our dreams. And those dreams are often connected to the turning points in life. In the...
What is the proper way to hope? How do we carry our dreams and keep the right kind of hope alive? I have times where I put my hope in the wrong place. My unfulfilled dreams become heavy and my heart quickly grows discontent. I am no longer loving my right now. I am...
how long shall i stay? who will say? will you show me the way? do i think of a plan…wait for a man… or decide what to do when i think i can? for what do i wait? why do i hope? how much longer can i cope? what age will i be? when will i see? who will...
my heart is heavy and i am lost in a dream. nothing in life is quite what it seems. we come to a point or period of time where it feels we are losing more than we gain. there is still hope in my life, a small subtle sign that all is not lost — pockets of joy i...