Living with a disability my whole life means I’ve had plenty of time to know what I can do, what help I need, and what works for me. Yet a few months ago I wondered if there was something new I could do. Out of curiosity, determination, and somewhat necessity, I found...
under the skyfull of blue,warmth of the sunon my skin.the Lightshines within,always forever.even whendays get shorter,clouds return,hope grows dim,a fire stillburnsdeep,forever within. look up,keep your eyeon the, wait forthe birds above,two eagles soarover...
“A history of exclusion or inhospitable attitudes can have a wounding effect on people with developmental disabilities and their families.”[1]Erik Carter A few weeks ago I interviewed a 24-year old young woman, who we will call Julie. She has lived with...
Valley of Achor desert of trouble buried in rubble pull me out pull me up away from the wild well watered away from the war well waged away from the wind protected and planted stable and strong no longer lost tossed blown or thrown rooted and ready secure and steady...
the dream door opened quickly something new to explore the heart soared even in sorrow sadness so deep one could know one could find joy to seep through the mind the pain, the fear and then it...