Dear Readers, Ask Me Anything
Dear readers, You might be wondering what happened last Sunday with the girl and my purple dress. Well, I wore my purple dress and I hoped she would be at church again. But that week she wasn’t there. I kept looking for her, wondering if she’d be a little...
When Faith is Bigger than Fear
“Do not be afraid.” “Be strong and courageous.” “…For the Lord your God is with you.” I read these phrases during my quiet time more than once this week. God reminds his people not to fear all the time. We see it on pages in...
The Gift of a Girl and Her Questions
The word for the latest Five Minute Friday posts is “gift”. Here is my story. She wanted to know why I wasn’t wearing purple. I didn’t think she would pay attention to those details. I had worn a purple dress the Sunday before and now I...
FMF: The Kind with Blue Lines
I pulled out a piece of paper, the kind with blue lines. I knew this is what I needed to do because my normal methods for getting back into the flow of writing were not working. Sure, I’ve been journaling every day. That was one of my goals for the new year. So I put...