When I was little, I didn’t really know what mainstream inclusion meant. Those words weren’t in my vocabulary and I don’t remember hearing them from my parents. But I lived it. Public schools were just beginning to adopt mainstream inclusion for...
My first day of school came sooner than what’s considered normal. I was only 2. My oldest brother headed to kindergarten and I headed to preschool. Different schools, but I love the fact that we started school the same year. One of the local schools offered a...
Normal would always be a word I redefined with my life. There is nothing normal about looking like a pretzel when you’re born. But I did. My parents immediately knew something was off the night I was born. I was breach. I was blue and coded. I looked like the...
We went to physical therapy that day. And the therapist had been working on your balance and standing for a while. Probably months. We had been trying to get you to walk independently. All of a sudden you walked from the PT to me. It was about 4 steps. Unassisted. So...
When I first bought the Me Before You book, I didn’t know it came with controversy. I didn’t realize I was entering a story full of dilemma and debate centered around an unnamed question: Is life in a wheelchair worth living? The movie version of Me Before...