She smiled at me and I couldn’t resist wanting to hold her. There is something special when they are still small. I can find a way to easily hold a baby, before they are too wiggly and before they are too big. But even then, I have thought through my options and...
“Can you hold onto both arms?” “I got you.” “Ok, I am trying to get there. I just can’t move as fast.” “It’s okay.” “I don’t like feeling different.” I had this conversation with my mom...
A safe or peaceful place. That’s one definition for haven — the word of the day. What comes to mind? Where do you run? What place brings you peace or rest? I used to go to a certain corner of the local Panera. All the employees that knew me knew my...
What does it feel like… To rise from the bed and stretch without someone lifting your body or moving your arms for you… To open the front door and go for a run or bike ride with thoughts of no one else… To hop in your car and go somewhere by yourself...
Ten years ago I moved. From one small town to another. From a place I called home for 4 years to the place that is my home once again. Ten years ago I woke up in a dorm. It was my favorite one on campus and the building is no more. They knocked it down a year or so...