The Body Needs More
Remember the call—Go,make disciplesof all. Go means gather,see who existsbeyond the walloutside:the stranger,the marginalized,stigmatized,ones the worldleaves behind. Please don’t waitfor us to arrive.We might be late;We may be stuck,feeling forlornor...
8 Things I Learned While Traveling
Firsts can’t be repeated. I went to a conference for a second time. Apparently I carried high expectations with me. I didn’t know that until the week ended and I felt some unexplained disappointment. What was I expecting? Was I subconsciously comparing...
My Journey with “F” Words
Every year I pick a word that seems to relate to life at the time. And apparently, I’m drawn to “F” words. It started five years ago… 2014. I chose FOCUS. This was the year I struggled a lot. I turned thirty, the milestone I dreaded. I sought...
Becoming Comfortable in the Uncomfortable
We don’t like to be out of our comfort zone. Disability means I can instantly be out of mine. There is a discomfort around disability. Being uncomfortable is a way of life for me. I can be immune to this fact. In the past year, several friends have said,...