“Can you hold onto both arms?” “I got you.” “Ok, I am trying to get there. I just can’t move as fast.” “It’s okay.” “I don’t like feeling different.” I had this conversation with my mom...
A safe or peaceful place. That’s one definition for haven — the word of the day. What comes to mind? Where do you run? What place brings you peace or rest? I used to go to a certain corner of the local Panera. All the employees that knew me knew my...
Last week I left you with this question: In what ways could I enjoy life now without giving up these simple dreams forever? After my thirtieth birthday, I began to consciously work through this question. I reframed how I viewed my current life and dug out these...
When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer. -Psalm 94:19 I return to this over and over — We need each other. Life is better when we share it with people. We learn how to love, how to forgive, how to walk through the expected and...
Thirty. It wasn’t about the number. It was what the number represented and how everything came to the surface as a day of celebration approached. I didn’t want to turn 30. I was a mess on the inside. That birthday reminded me I was not where I wanted to...