When I first bought the Me Before You book, I didn’t know it came with controversy. I didn’t realize I was entering a story full of dilemma and debate centered around an unnamed question: Is life in a wheelchair worth living? The movie version of Me Before...
She smiled at me and I couldn’t resist wanting to hold her. There is something special when they are still small. I can find a way to easily hold a baby, before they are too wiggly and before they are too big. But even then, I have thought through my options and...
“Can you hold onto both arms?” “I got you.” “Ok, I am trying to get there. I just can’t move as fast.” “It’s okay.” “I don’t like feeling different.” I had this conversation with my mom...
A safe or peaceful place. That’s one definition for haven — the word of the day. What comes to mind? Where do you run? What place brings you peace or rest? I used to go to a certain corner of the local Panera. All the employees that knew me knew my...
There’s a funny thing about expectations. We don’t always know which ones to hold onto and which ones we need to lay down. Even in the past week I have seen how God wants me to let go of expectations and open my eyes to see what He is doing. It’s...