Sometimes God wants us to say yes when we scream no. Sometimes we say yes when we should have said no. Sometimes we say yes without much thinking. Sometimes we think too long before we say yes. Looking back on recent years I see the power that comes with saying a yes,...
We made it to Part Four…the final questions. I will expand on many of these thoughts in future posts. What do you wish someone knew automatically when meeting you for the first time? 1. I am an adult. I’m not a kid, though my body is small and my face...
Well, friends, I thought I’d finish up the Q&A series today, but there are more questions to answer. Here is Part Three. What sort of movement have you lost or gained since you were a child, and what development/changes were the most difficult for you? I...
Today we will keep exploring Arthrogryposis and what my life looks like / doesn’t look like in the day-to-day. Your questions covered a lot and this is Part Two of the series. (If you missed part one, you can read it here.) I’ll also be sharing a Part...
First, happy Arthrogryposis Awareness Day! When I asked for your questions last week, I had no idea what you might send in, but I was excited to find out. This was a blog experiment I was willing to try. And I wanted to give you guys the space to share any thoughts....